£3.5m for road traffic incident causing bleed on the brain

25 January 2024

Harriet* was involved in a road traffic incident and was admitted to hospital with a large bleed on her brain. 

Harriet had surgery to remove a clot from her brain. When she was well enough, Harriet began physiotherapy and had some occupational therapy support before being discharged. 


Harriet had hemiplegia affecting her left arm and leg.  This meant she was unable to move her arm independently and had trouble using the left leg. 


When instructed, we contacted the insurers and pressed for them to admit liability, which they did. We also secured their agreement to appoint an independent case manager who specialised in brain injuries. Meanwhile, whilst we waited for the case manager’s immediate needs assessment report, we arranged private physiotherapy and hydrotherapy to help Harriet’s rehabilitation.  Harriet returned to her own home, some months later and needed paid help with her care, on top of her family’s support.

As Harriet was unable to return to work initially, we got several significant interim payments from the insurer. This eased the financial burden of not working and paid for the help and treatment that she needed. The insurers also funded other various recommendations made in the case manager’s assessment. Harriet was also advised on setting up a trust for the payments, to protect her entitlement to state benefits.

In time, Harriet regained the ability to walk on her own, but still relied on a wheelchair for longer distances. She also needed some help with dressing, as she never regained movement in her left arm.


When we had gathered all the supporting evidence, we began settlement negotiations. Harriet finally agreed a settlement of £3.5m.  As well as compensating for her injuries and various expenses, the settlement meant that Harriet had the funds she needed for all her future needs. 


*Not their real name

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