Road crash victim left with a spinal cord injury

04 March 2024

Guy* was involved in a road crash which left him with a spinal cord injury that needed surgery. 

He was later transferred to a specialist spinal rehabilitation centre, to help him rehabilitate from the spinal injury.

Initial challenges

Guy had no effective use of his legs and was not independent, needing help with daily tasks such as washing and dressing.

How we supported Guy

We notified the driver’s representatives who began their enquiries into liability. 

Meanwhile, we pressed them to agree to the instruction of a specialist spinal cord injury case manager who prepared an immediate needs assessment report. 

This report identified numerous recommendations to help Guy, including occupational therapy, physiotherapy, psychotherapy and vocational therapy. 

It also recommended a suitable wheelchair and care package to help him return home.

The case continues.


*Not their real name

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